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The import command generates low-level (L1) constructs for Kubernetes API objects and Custom Resources (CRDs).

General Options

Target programming language (--language)

You can specify your desired language with the --language flag. For example:


cdk8s import --language typescript


language: typescript

Output directory (--output)

The --output (or -o) option can be used to specify the output directory for your imports.

Class name prefix (--class-prefix)

For k8s imports, all imported classes will have a Kube prefix to denote that those are core Kubernetes APIs. For CRD imports, the class name will match the resource kind.

You can use the --class-prefix option to specify an alternative prefix or --no-class-prefix to disable this behavior for k8s imports.

Module name

You can also override the default behavior for cdk8s importing. This will be helpful to you if you would like to name your CRD imports differently from their kind. Here is how you do it:


cdk8s import example:=my_crd.yaml


  - example:=my_crd.yaml

If your CRD contained two kinds, Cluster and Autoscaler, you would have two imports. You could use them in this fashion:

import { Cluster } from './imports/example-cluster';
import { Autoscaler } from './imports/example-autoscaler';
not yet supported

Import Types

The import command supports two types of imports:

  1. k8s: generates constructs from the core Kubernetes API
  2. CRDs: generates constructs from custom resource definitions
  3. Helm Charts: generates constructs from helm charts.

This section describes specific behavior related to each type of import.

Kubernetes APIs

To generate constructs for all Kubernetes API objects of a certain version, use:

cdk8s import k8s

The import command will generate files under an “imports” directory inside your project with constructs for each API object in the Kubernetes spec.


It is recommended to commit these generated files into your source control.

By default, generated class names will be named KubeXyz where Xyz is the API object kind (e.g. KubeDeployment).

Kubernetes Versions

Use the @version notation to import a specific Kubernetes version:

cdk8s import k8s@1.16.0

Alternatively, you can specify your k8s import in the cdk8s.yaml config file:

  - k8s@1.17.0

API Object Versions

When importing the core Kubernetes API objects, cdk8s import will generate constructs both for stable APIs (e.g. v1) and pre-stable APIs (v1beta1). To ensure compatibility across Kubernetes versions, construct classes generated for non-stable resources will include a postfix with the API level.

For example, the import for k8s@1.18 includes KubeIngressV1Beta1 as the only Ingress resource. This is because Ingress has not been stabilized yet. The import for k8s@1.19 will also include an Ingress construct which represents the v1 resource.


You can import CRDs from local files or URLs:

cdk8s import my_crd.yaml

Or from cdk8s.yaml:

  - my_crd.yaml

A CRD with group and kind Foo will be imported to the following locations:

  • TypeScript: imports/
  • Python: imports/mygroup/io

Importing CRDs from a cluster

If the imported YAML is a List of CRDs, all these CRDs will be imported. This is useful, for example, to import all the CRDs from a running cluster:

kubectl get crds -o json | cdk8s import /dev/stdin

Yes, this works!

Helm Charts

You can import a helm chart and code generate a dedicated construct for it. To do this, pass either a url or a local path to the helm chart. For example, running the following command would code generate bitnami’s mysql helm chart:

cdk8s import helm:

The format for the helm chart url is: helm:<repo-url>/<chart-name>@<chart-version>.

You can use this generated construct in your cdk8s application,

import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { App, Chart, ChartProps } from 'cdk8s';
import { Mysql, MysqlArchitecture } from './imports/mysql';

export class MyChart extends Chart {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ChartProps = { }) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new Mysql(this, 'MySql', {
      values: {
        architecture: MysqlArchitecture.STANDALONE,     // <------- type safe property

const app = new App();
new MyChart(app, 'Typescript-App');


You would need helm to be installed on your machine for using this feature. For accessing private helm repositories, you must be authenticated to the repository in a way that the helm pull command recognizes.

This feature is an extension to helm support in cdk8s and you will find similar properties of Helm construct in these generated constructs.

Values Schema

If the helm chart that you are importing contains a schema file (values.schema.json) within it, then the values property of the construct properties will be typed according to that schema.

For example:

import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { App, Chart, ChartProps } from 'cdk8s';
import { Mysql, MysqlArchitecture } from './imports/mysql';

export class MyChart extends Chart {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ChartProps = { }) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new Mysql(this, 'MySql', {
      values: {
        architecture: 'foo',    // <------- This will give an error since this is not `MysqlArchitecture` type which is generated from Schema

const app = new App();
new MyChart(app, 'Typescript-App');

If there is no schema present in the helm chart, then values will not have type support and you can pass in any values.

Additional Values and Globals

The generated construct’s values property will also include following special properties:

  • additionalValues: If the imported helm chart has a schema but that schema does not cover all values accepted by the chart, then you can use this property to pass in those values to the chart.
  • global: This property can be used to set global values. For more information, see here.

For example:

import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { App, Chart, ChartProps } from 'cdk8s';
import { Mysql, MysqlArchitecture } from './imports/mysql';

export class MyChart extends Chart {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ChartProps = { }) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new Mysql(this, 'MySql', {
      values: {
        architecture: MysqlArchitecture.STANDALONE,
        global: {                                   // <------- global values
          imageRegistry: 'bar',
        additionalValues: {                         // <------- values missing in schema which are not code generated
          nameOverride: "baz"

const app = new App();
new MyChart(app, 'Typescript-App');


If the imported helm chart has any dependencies mentioned in Chart.yaml, then you will find those as properties in the generated construct. You can use those to pass in values to the dependency.

import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { App, Chart, ChartProps } from 'cdk8s';
import { Mysql, MysqlArchitecture } from './imports/mysql';

export class MyChart extends Chart {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ChartProps = { }) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new Mysql(this, 'MySql', {
      values: {
        architecture: MysqlArchitecture.STANDALONE,
        common: {                                   // <------- `common` is a dependency for the MySql helm chart
          names: {
            namespace: 'foo',

const app = new App();
new MyChart(app, 'Typescript-App');