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A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage by a pod.

A PersistentVolumeClaim contains the requirements of the request, and the Kubernetes control plane is responsible providing a physical volume that satisfies the claim’s requirements.

import * as kplus from 'cdk8s-plus-31';
import * as cdk8s from 'cdk8s';

const pod = new kplus.Pod(chart, 'Pod');
const container = pod.addContainer({ image: 'node' });

// create the storage request
const claim = new kplus.PersistentVolumeClaim(chart, 'Claim', {
  storage: cdk8s.Size.gibibytes(50),

// mount a volume based on the request to the container
// this will also add the volume itself to the pod spec.
container.mount('/data', kplus.Volume.fromPersistentVolumeClaim(claim));

Storage Class

By default, the storageClassName property of a claim is not set. This means that the backing volume can be provided by one of two methods:

  1. Dynamically provision a volume with the default storage class.
  2. If a default storage class is not configured in the cluster, the backing volume must pre-exist and not be assigned to any storage class.

See Provisioning for more details.

You can also provide an explicit storage class name,

const claim = new kplus.PersistentVolumeClaim(chart, 'Claim', {
  storage: cdk8s.Size.gibibytes(50),
  storageClassName: 'large-ebs',

In this case, Kubernetes control plane will either locate an existing volume with the larg-ebs storage class, or dynamically provision a new using the appropriate provisioner.

You can also pass in a special "" value, this means the volume must not be assigned to any storage class. Since all dynamically provisioend volumes belong to a storage class, setting this value effectively disables dynamic provisioning for this claim.

const claim = new kplus.PersistentVolumeClaim(chart, 'Claim', {
  storage: cdk8s.Size.gibibytes(50),
  // disable dynamic provisioning
  storageClassName: "",


Binding is a part of the reservation process, but it only creates a one directional link. You can use it to bind a PVC to an existing PV. Note however that if the PV is not bound to the PVC, there’s no guarantee this claim will indeed be given to that specific volume.

const claim = new kplus.PersistentVolumeClaim(chart, 'Claim', {
  storage: cdk8s.Size.gibibytes(50),

const vol = kplus.PersistentVolume.fromPersistentVolumeName('vol');

// will modify the claim resource to refer to the volume.
// but no the other way around.